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Quick Facts

  1. Guaranteed job, airfare and accommodation.

  2. No age limit.

  3. No Degree or experience necessary.

  4. 25,000 jobs worldwide.

  5. No Need to speak the local language.

  6. Study in-class, online or by correspondence.

Applying for and English teaching job is much different than applying for most jobs. You and the school/recruiter do not usually meet each other until after you have the job secured (when you arrive at your destination country). As a result you have to prepare yourself accordingly. Spend the necessary time and effort to prepare the following documents in a manner that makes you shine without adding inaccurate information.

The important documents that most schools/ recruiters require are as follows:
1) Letter of Introduction
2) Cover Letter
3) Resume
4) Reference Letter
5) Photo

When creating or updating your CV, all the traditional rules apply. It should delineate the right qualifications and highlight your strongest points. It should also provide contact information.

Resumes should include:
- maximum of 2 pages
- references available upon request
- on each page of the cover letter and resume include your contact details
(including a fax number if possible – the fax # could be from a friend / business/ post office / business).

Two important CV features are a "Summary of Qualifications" and a brief description of each job experience. The summary should be in paragraph or bullet form and include years of experience and levels, special skills, other spoken languages, relevant overseas experiences, curriculum, testing etc. The job descriptions should include essential reference information but should also describe your work with positive, active verbs and adjectives that show quality and quantity. These two items save prospective employers time yet also provide details that they will take the time to read later, after you have made the short list for an interview.

For more information see the Global TESOL 2003 International Employment and Job Listing Guide.

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