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We pride ourselves in the level of service that we offer our students!

Where else can you find:

Job guarantee or your money back
Lifetime Job Assistance & Support.
Access to a job network with over 20 000 job opportunities.
Professional reference letters to potential employers/schools - FREE

Lifetime access to a world wide network of past & present students.
FREE Newsletter containing the latest in TESOL news, competitions and  events                                                                                                   You will be in great demand even for the local market (English Language Centre, Tuition Centres, etc.)                                                                In Malaysia we have Ministry of Education approval as short course program.       

Classes fill up quickly, so call now to reserve your seat

Our success is based on our ability to fulfill our graduates dreams, by creating the opportunity for all graduates to start or enhance their English-teaching careers as they experience the life-changing dynamics of working and living in another country! We guarantee you a job, so why not change your life?

Job Support

Global Network


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